Gravity Preschool Program

Learning never stops!

Gravity would like to provide our families with tools to stay physically and mentally active during quarantine. On this page, you will find workout videos, workout challenges, educational worksheets & more to help keep our little ones engaged in the learning process.

Feel free to reach out if you have any training questions! We are here to help!

Enjoy Gravity's Workout Videos!


Class Space: make sure you have enough open space and always have use a Yoga mat for your class.

Always listen to the teacher: please do not proceed to do skills on your own, follow your teacher's instructions at all times.

Parent Supervision: remember to always have a parent near to supervise.

Challenge of the week!

Kids, we must stay healthy and active through "gym break". Coach Aaron is challenging you with the workout below:

  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 rock & rolls
  • 10 jumps on each foot
  • Practice your straddle position

    Parents, please help your little ones complete this workout!

"Make me proud! Complete your workout every day!"

Keep our brains active as well!

Challenge yourself to the worksheets below!

Let's practice numbers! How about completing the worksheet below?

Learning Numbers

Body Shapes

Practice your body shapes. Click and print the attached worksheet.

Body Shapes

Let's practice coloring skills. Print the worksheet below and show off your "color knowledge"!

Design your favorite Gravity Leotard! Show off your "designer skills"!

Learn about Gravity's Online Academy!

Gravity’s Online Academy offers a variety of LIVE classes where teachers are able to see students as they take class, encourage them, and give them corrections.  Children not only exercise in a group setting, but also have the opportunity to socialize with peers and teachers. Learn more by clicking the link below:

Preschool Academy!

"Seeing my students smile and participate in our story times, show and tell, and gymnastics classes warms my heart. I might not be able to give them a hug after class; but I am definitely making a difference in their lives through online classes."

Mrs. Eli

Grade School & Ninja Academy

"Through our Online Academy we are helping students stay fit, active, and engaged in the learning process which is essential for their emotional and physical well-being. Students are participating in gymnastics, aerobics and Ninja classes; I love seeing them improve day after day!"

Coach Oscar

To claim a free week of gymnastics classes, click the link below: